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Keep Moving Forward


Abigail Osterhaus
Third Place
2023 Future Alumni Essay Contest

From a young age, I was interested in medicine. I loved animals and wanted to make a difference in people's lives, and it was clear to me that I wanted a career in medicine. Growing up as one of five kids, I realized that I needed to work hard to get scholarships and to get into a good school. My commitment to academic excellence was steadfast, and it was motivated by the constant encouragement and support of my brother Luke. Although Luke was only a year and a half older, he would stay up late to explain my homework or to create elaborate projects with me to learn more about an interesting animal or medicine. As we got older, we both were diligent in our studies, and our passions evolved.

In 2019, I got into college to play rugby and pursue medicine, while Luke decided to stay in our hometown and work for my dad. The demands of my academic and athletic commitments left me with little time for personal connections. I found myself overwhelmed with studies and training sessions, gradually losing my own identity and, most importantly, the relationships I held with friends and family. As I entered my junior year of college, the weight of my responsibilities became too much. I struggled with overwhelming emotions, including suicidal thoughts that cast a shadow over even the simplest daily tasks. My priorities slipped through my fingers, and I began to neglect my mental well-being. In the midst of all this, it was Luke who continuously checked in on me. Despite my reluctance to seek help, he reached out to me tirelessly. I confided in him, sharing the extent of my depression and the overwhelming burden of continuing my education. It was during these vulnerable conversations that we confronted our shared struggles with depression and anxiety. Luke revealed that he, too, had been diagnosed with depression and was attending therapy. He continuously supported me, offering daily encouragement to get out of bed and to continue to study. Despite our daily conversations, I did not realize the extent of my brother’s struggles.

On March 29th everything changed when I received a phone call that Luke had taken his own life in his apartment.

After that moment, my life took a huge turn. The journey of grieving and healing became an essential part of my pursuit of education. Despite my loss, I made a choice: to carry on, to finish what I had started. The absence of my best friend was agonizing, yet it became the driving force behind my determination. I returned to college that spring, completing my junior year and, successively, my senior year, leading to my graduation with a bachelor's degree in biology. Throughout this journey, I sought help in therapy and leaned on the support of my friends and professors. My passion for science and the medical field continued to grow, and I began to envision ways to further my education. After thorough research, I applied to the paramedic program at Trident Technical College. This program would provide me with a stable career and enable me to continue my education. Trident Tech's free tuition made this opportunity a reality. I continued on this new path, knowing that my brother, Luke, would have been immensely proud of my commitment to education and my determination to keep moving forward. By pursuing a career as a paramedic, I plan to make a positive impact on individuals facing challenges similar to those myself and my brother experienced.

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